Cosatto and Kiddicare:
A Match Made in Peterborough
A Match Made in Peterborough
Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to Kiddicare?
Last week the lovely Kiddicare graciously gave us giant floorspace in their store to display our yummy stuff. Our intrepid ambassadors Mark, Gill, Kate and Karen, trekked to Peterborough with our loot crammed into the jumbo Cosattomobile. Off to sprinkle a bit of Cosatto magic. Brrrrrrrrm.
Kiddicare were ideal hosts, laying on a spread and making the gang feel welcome while they whizzed up a wondrous world. Creating madly from dawn till dusk, the gang created six stunning roomsets bursting with Cosatto joy. Amid much curiosity and excitement, customers were sneaking past the barriers to see more. Who can blame them? It's a feast for the eyes. On unveiling there were gasps and grins. Not to mention one blue paint drenched Mark.
Well done guys! Kiddicare - ta for having us.
Next stop: the moon.